Sunday, March 20, 2011


Who am I? Honestly...?

It shines brightest on the grayest of days! I am strong, confident, successful, and appreciative. Know Me!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another Beautiful Day in the Life

Today is so beautiful, the sky boasts happiness and the hint of the chill air hints of warmer days to come. With simple reminders at every turn, I cant help but be overwhelmed with joy for having such a successful life. I need not convince myself that I am capable, but rather, I remind myself daily by simply doing the things that work for me. I am happy and overjoyed for being capable, smart, successful, and honest. A date would be nice universe, lets see what you can stir up for me this time!?! :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011


If you haven't already seen the movie INCEPTION, do yourself a favor and watch it!

I just finished watching it again, and even with as much as I enjoy the film because I love a good new age concept and a cliffhanger ending, I couldn't help but start to recognize the overall premise of the film! That premise, if you do not already know, is planting a thought that will inevitably change everything about your life!

When an idea (belief) is planted in our minds, we will naturally begin to act in accordance with that idea! As a salesman, or better yet, as a young adult, the attitude that we choose to have, and the beliefs that we choose to hold in the highest regard, epitomize our everyday activities: our productivity at work; the way we feel about our life; our self esteem. All in all, if we can only find a way to believe in something that might otherwise seem so unlikely, it will become evident that "if there is a will, there is a way!"