Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Secret (gratitude)

I am so grateful now that I have so many positive people around me, and also have the opportunity to spend so much time with them. I appreciate the lessons that I am being taught even in my moments of trial. I could not ask for a more perfect life.

I need nothing more...

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Beauty of Selling!

Of all the jobs ive ever had, i have never had one that allows so much freedom and reward. None that offers as much possibility and accomplishment. And the best part is that whether I soar or fall, I have to acknowledge that I am the reason!

I control the level of success that I have, and because of that I can and will soar higher than most! I will believe in myself beyond what others are capable of comprehending.

A laughable moment

I stopped working about 6:20pm today, walked to a gas station to wait for a ride, when suddenly a man approaches me and asks, "would you like a car wash?" I answered by explaining to him that I did not have a car to wash, and then... he goes on to say "okay, okay,... I'll wash your phone for a quarter!"

I could not help but think that this man would be a millionaire one day! You lose 100% of the sales you don't ask for! :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Good Morning!

Looking forward to a big day yet again! The key is to remember that I can use my positive attitude with customers to build rapport and solidify a sale! The sweetest part is that ive already visualized my day, and can feel the feelings of success. There's nothing better, than being the best!

I love my life, I love my job!
I am the best at what I do!
Customers love to buy from me!
I am happy, I am happy, I am happy!

My name is Joshua Holdaway, and I will sell 3 today!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today is a New Day!

Welcome to my blogspot! My name is, Joshua W. Holdaway, and I am a door to door salesman for Dishone Satellite. I;ve wanted to start a blog for quite a while to use it as a journal entry but also potentially open it up for more feedback and advice.

I have been working on  my goal setting, visualization, and general skill set to make myself the best that i can be. As of late though I would admit that I have found more obstacles than I would have otherwise foreseen considering how much momentum I have had already built up.

The good news: I have 35 installs this month with a 0% cancellation rate. I also am ranked second in the company for the year with 112 installs so far. That matches my total production all of last years preseason.

The bad news: I just had my second 0 day in a row and have to admit that the biggest noticeable difference has been my attitude and sincerity with customers.

The good news: I can acknowledge what the problem is, so... I WILL be able to change the outcome in the days to come!

I welcome any and all feedback here. Thank you.