Friday, July 15, 2011

An unexpected surprise...

im confused... ive been building myself into a strong person, and really starting to feel comfortable doing the same thing day in and day out. my work ethic has thrived and ive found happiness in doing things the way that i do things, and now this...

what is this you may ask. but that really isnt the questin. if what i say is true, and i am a stronger person, and i have been comfortable, and my

work ethic has thrived and i constantly feel happy, then why does this matter? doesnt
curve balls come when you least expect them

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Halfway Point (Sacramento Summer)

Really there is never a halfway point, but argumentatively, i only titled it that way because we are halfway through the summer. I've learned a lot of valuable lessons, and ive exceeded all of my previous accomplishments. However, I cannot forgo an overwhelming feeling. I am still so unsatisfied. I can see so much further ahead than ive ever seen before. But I ask, what has held me back from seeing everything as i see it now.

The point i wish to make with this post is simple. Without accomplishment, there is no vision. Without vision, there are only dreams. And with just a dream and no action, we may as well just be sitting in one place watching the sun rise and set as it does.

If you have been searching for a purpose, find it. A great man once said, "Find one thing you love, do it better than anyone else, and you will find yourself in abundance." With fortitude and a goal oriented mindset. With patience and pride. With integrity and honor. There are no bounds to any man willing to walk his path.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Who am I? Honestly...?

It shines brightest on the grayest of days! I am strong, confident, successful, and appreciative. Know Me!


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Another Beautiful Day in the Life

Today is so beautiful, the sky boasts happiness and the hint of the chill air hints of warmer days to come. With simple reminders at every turn, I cant help but be overwhelmed with joy for having such a successful life. I need not convince myself that I am capable, but rather, I remind myself daily by simply doing the things that work for me. I am happy and overjoyed for being capable, smart, successful, and honest. A date would be nice universe, lets see what you can stir up for me this time!?! :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011


If you haven't already seen the movie INCEPTION, do yourself a favor and watch it!

I just finished watching it again, and even with as much as I enjoy the film because I love a good new age concept and a cliffhanger ending, I couldn't help but start to recognize the overall premise of the film! That premise, if you do not already know, is planting a thought that will inevitably change everything about your life!

When an idea (belief) is planted in our minds, we will naturally begin to act in accordance with that idea! As a salesman, or better yet, as a young adult, the attitude that we choose to have, and the beliefs that we choose to hold in the highest regard, epitomize our everyday activities: our productivity at work; the way we feel about our life; our self esteem. All in all, if we can only find a way to believe in something that might otherwise seem so unlikely, it will become evident that "if there is a will, there is a way!"

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Secret (gratitude)

I am so grateful now that I have so many positive people around me, and also have the opportunity to spend so much time with them. I appreciate the lessons that I am being taught even in my moments of trial. I could not ask for a more perfect life.

I need nothing more...

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Beauty of Selling!

Of all the jobs ive ever had, i have never had one that allows so much freedom and reward. None that offers as much possibility and accomplishment. And the best part is that whether I soar or fall, I have to acknowledge that I am the reason!

I control the level of success that I have, and because of that I can and will soar higher than most! I will believe in myself beyond what others are capable of comprehending.

A laughable moment

I stopped working about 6:20pm today, walked to a gas station to wait for a ride, when suddenly a man approaches me and asks, "would you like a car wash?" I answered by explaining to him that I did not have a car to wash, and then... he goes on to say "okay, okay,... I'll wash your phone for a quarter!"

I could not help but think that this man would be a millionaire one day! You lose 100% of the sales you don't ask for! :)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Good Morning!

Looking forward to a big day yet again! The key is to remember that I can use my positive attitude with customers to build rapport and solidify a sale! The sweetest part is that ive already visualized my day, and can feel the feelings of success. There's nothing better, than being the best!

I love my life, I love my job!
I am the best at what I do!
Customers love to buy from me!
I am happy, I am happy, I am happy!

My name is Joshua Holdaway, and I will sell 3 today!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Today is a New Day!

Welcome to my blogspot! My name is, Joshua W. Holdaway, and I am a door to door salesman for Dishone Satellite. I;ve wanted to start a blog for quite a while to use it as a journal entry but also potentially open it up for more feedback and advice.

I have been working on  my goal setting, visualization, and general skill set to make myself the best that i can be. As of late though I would admit that I have found more obstacles than I would have otherwise foreseen considering how much momentum I have had already built up.

The good news: I have 35 installs this month with a 0% cancellation rate. I also am ranked second in the company for the year with 112 installs so far. That matches my total production all of last years preseason.

The bad news: I just had my second 0 day in a row and have to admit that the biggest noticeable difference has been my attitude and sincerity with customers.

The good news: I can acknowledge what the problem is, so... I WILL be able to change the outcome in the days to come!

I welcome any and all feedback here. Thank you.